dominion voting machine audit
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dominion voting machine audit

", First published on August 3, 2021 / 12:21 PM. The Cyber Ninjas audit was spurred by Republicans inthe state who expressed concerns on the validity and integrity of the countys election results after repeated unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 election that have been advanced by former President Trump and his allies. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. A team of cybersecurity and computer forensic experts at Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) performed an independent forensic audit of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in just one county, Antrim County, Michigan, for the2020 election. The firms CEO, Doug Logan, has spread conspiracy theories on the 2020 election in Arizona in now-deleted tweets. "Once the testing is complete, the equipment must be securely stored so that it is safe from unauthorized access or use," the manual states. The ASOG team, led by Russell J. Ramsland, Jr., found that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systematic fraud and influence election results. Though opposed by Idaho's secretary of state and several county clerks, a bill to limit eligibility for absentee ballots has cleared committee and is on its way to the House. Barr: No reason for special counsel on election, Outgoing Attorney General William Barr at news conference Monday said he saw "no reason" to appoint a special counsel to look into President Donald Trump's claims of election fraud. The audit came days after the release of a report purporting that Dominion Voting Systems software used in Antrim County was intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.. 4 under the Logic & Accuracy Testing section of the manual which is circled in the screenshots describes the Automated Test Deck application: "This application, available from Dominion Voting, can automatically generate the appropriate test decks andexpected results totals.". Editors note: is one of several organizations, to debunk misinformation shared on social media. Dominion Voting Systems has stated thatallegations made by Powellare false. Chicago has a ten-year $22 million deal. According to the Arizona Republic, Maricopa County is currently about halfway through its $6.1 million lease with Dominion Voting Systems for the voting machines. Herrell, whose stage name is"The Hip Hop Patriot," is a musician and podcaster who supports President Donald Trump, according to a profile page on The audit, conducted by state and local officials and representatives of both political parties, involved a hand tally of all the votes cast for president in the county. @RepJeffries We question! CLAIM: A report released this week in Michigan shows Dominion Voting Systems machines in Antrim County, Michigan, were "intentionally designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results." . Jacobson, Louis and Noah Kim. Georgia's new Dominion systems have presented glitches and delays throughout this year. Services included the full suite of hardware and software information-technology agreements. In 2020, the evidence proved that President Trump got well over 60% of the Vote, Biden almost none, and the DemocRats less than 40%!! A cemetery posted a personal ad for a goose whose mate died. In accordance with the Help America Vote Act, this violates the 90-day Safe Harbor period which prohibits changes to election systems, without these systems undergoing recertification. CIA, DOJ, FBI, social media, lame stream media, a Supreme Court, Chief Judge, Jeffery Epstein reprobate, et. In March of 2021, Dominion Voting Systems filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News for persistently suggesting that the company's machines had stolen a rightful victory in the . A correction to the unofficial vote totals wasmade Nov. 5. Co-founder and chief technology officer, Open Source Elections Technology Institute. Their revenues came from 19 states and 133 local governments including counties, cities, and even a couple of school districts. John Poulos, president and CEO of Dominion Voting, denied any allegations of fraud on the part of his company in a Nov. 30 opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal. In past elections, the rejection rates were so low, this was a minor risk, whereas now, it is a major risk and most likely one of the means of exploitation that took place to defraud one candidate out of a massive number of votes that would have been in his favor. Antrim County Clerk. Without election integrity we lose our republic. Ramslands faulty findings have previously been cited by the Trump campaign. President Trump and have consolidated the base!!! President Biden won Arizona by 10,457 votes in November. Bye bye our American pride. Election was rigged. But state officials and Dominion which has been the subject of conspiracy theories following the election said the report was flawed and spreading misinformation. According to the boards, the state is providing around $1.7 million for the machines. On Thursday, the voting machine company Dominion filed court papers documenting that numerous Fox News personalities knew there was no evidence to support the claims peddled by Trump's allies . Michigan State Police first opened its investigation into potential voting machine breaches in February after the Secretary of State's Office notified it that an unnamed third party was allowed. You cansubscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. She stands in good company, right along with Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani . . There is no indication from the machine manual that test ballots arecounted with regular ballots submitted on Election Day. Enter the Forensic Audit and watch these critters squirm. A Dominion spokesperson said the advisory "reaffirms what thousands of hand. Stole our election and our freedom and Democracy died. Pennsylvania election officials have decertified voting machines in Fulton County after Republican lawmakers had them audited following the state's controversial handling of the 2020 election. A crime was absolutely committed in how these systems were cleaned up. Even the security logs, prior to 11:30 pm on Nov. 4, 2020, were found missing, meaning security logs for the day prior to the election, on election day and the day after the election were all deleted. However, public bodies must be transparent, because they spend taxpayer money.). Other counties included San Francisco ($4.2 million, Butte ($376), Glenn ($42,350), Monterey ($233,291), San Benito ($173,049), Santa Cruz ($583), Shasta ($3,975), Sierra ($9,571), Siskiyou ($127,314), Kern ($127,267), San Luis Obispo ($500,536), and San Mateo ($457,703). Buell, Duncan. The author, Rep. Joe Alfieri, said that voting has become too "convenient," CBS 2 Idaho News reports. So I wont repeat myself here. 20 Nov 2020. A spokesperson for Dominion Voting Systems told USA TODAY that ballots can be printed out by its Ballot Marking Devicesafter a voter makes selections and reviews them. THE HILL 1625 K STREET, NW SUITE 900 WASHINGTON DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 TEL | 202-628-8503 FAX. In December, Arizona Senate . During the ASOG audit, they also discovered internet connections were live on this equipment. al., big party, were all bad actors. "IMPORTANT: This is not evidence of fraud. Can you feed Dominion test stacks with only one candidate, i.e. Partially in response to news on Dominion's lawsuit against Fox News, and also partially inspired by left wing comments on Twitter, it's time for another post on the machines. In fact, the system is purged of test results once the testing phase is finished, complete with a "zero report" to confirm purging, according to instruction No. Here are the top five counties: Suffolk ($1.1 million), Niagara ($539,334), Orange ($336,480), Monroe ($301,435), and Madison ($300,884). There should be an audit though to make sure," DataDude316 warned in the tweet,which included several of the same questions as Herrell's postand the same user manual pages. "Dominion voting machines do one thing: accurately tabulate votes from county-verified voters using a durable paper ballot controlled and secured by local elections officials," Poulos wrote. I cant imagine anyone working harder. More specifically, the error occurred because the county had tochangesome ballots to update some local races such as a missing candidate in Mancelona Township. 13 Dec 2020. So, whats next People? Fann has said that her goal is not to overturn Mr. Biden's victory, but would help determine if changes need to be made going forward. Nevada: Clark County, the largest in Nevada, contracted for $28.7 million to have the company run its elections through 2032. Finally, because the same equipment was used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts significant doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan. the Michigan Bureau of Elections will complete a risk-limiting audit of all ballots there this Thursday, according . One affidavit in another casealleged that a slew of precincts in Michigan were found to have more votes than voters findings repeated by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. Michigan Director of Elections Jonathan Brater noted in a Dec. 13 affidavit, Ranked Choice Voting is not authorized by the Michigan Election Law for use in federal or state-level elections.. However, neither the Democrats, most of the establishment Republican party, the MSM nor the so-celled Deep State wanted him to continue. The board, which. Maricopa County leased a suite of election equipment from Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems under a three-year, $6.1 million contract. The evidence of the 2020 election proves that President Trump got well over 60% of the Vote, Biden almost none, and the DemocRats less than 40%!! Trump won. The disclosures did not list the services purchased. Dominion Voting System filed a 192-page document in the $1.6bn defamation lawsuit, in which they outlined testimony and messages sent by Fox News staff that reveal that the network aired bogus . When I read this report what I see is that every time there is a problem referenced in the software, the report instantly jumps to malice and intent, Buell said. 2021 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Big wigs involved in fraud, big players, lots of influence. Doug Logan, has spread conspiracy theories on the 2020 election in Arizona in now-deleted tweets. December 2020. The particular Dominion voting machine that the county board wants to buy is a touchscreen device with a paper audit trail that was used in 11 Ohio counties last year, according to the Ohio. Fulton County let Wake TSIa company that has no knowledge or expertise in election technologyaccess its voting materials in a manner that was not transparent or bipartisan and the countys certified system has been compromised as a result, Degraffenreid wrote in a letter to Fulton County officials. It was also discovered by the ASOG audit that on Nov. 21, 2020, an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results, showing more attempted tampering with the data. Here is a state-by-state description of our findings. Since presidential election of 2020, Dominion has come under wide public scrutiny, particularly in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsincritical toss-up states with close winning margins. Services included machines, equipment repair, election services, ballot marking printers, vote tabulators and ballot boxes, modem cell services contracts, election coding, and voting machine coding. But assertions that machines can be hacked, votes were dumped and test ballots can be countedare false. Last week, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs advised Maricopa County officials that it should replace all voting machines that were turned over to a private contractor for the ongoing audit . A hand count of paper ballots in Antrim County, Michigan, has verified the election results there, refuting a forensics report promoted by President Donald Trump that baselessly claimed the election equipment in the county was designed to create systemic fraud and influence election results. Experts said the faulty report showed a misunderstanding of voting system technology. This is Very disheartening that an American President that HAS put America first and done his obligations above and beyond what is expected is in jeopardy of not being rewarded for his and his supporters because of what is a apparent Hate towards true and honest success and looks very bad for young generations that as long as you tell someone enough that your way is the right way makes it right and if you dont agree with it that your a problem that needs to be censored is freighting to America. "Certifications and audits have instead shown the accuracy, transparency, and reliability of Dominion's systems.". Purchase descriptions ranged from batteries, compact flash memory cards, receipt paper for voting machines, warranty and support for imagecast voting, EMS 3-day training, absentee central count ballots and election day ballots, pre marked test ballots, firmware and hardware warranty, voting systems, and much more. They include voting manipulation, "weighing" votes in Biden's favor and disposing of Trump votes, according to the letter. The companys website doesnt list its staff and the report doesnt identify the names or specific credentials of those who helped prepare the report. Guy also pointed out that, if the elections officials didnt catch the error when they did, it would have been caught during the county canvass process, In Antrim County, some elections office staff made an error in data handling and they caught the mistake, and fixed it,, Thats making mistakes and catching mistakes, its not committing fraud., , a computer science professor at Rice University who researches voting security, further said, ust because the [RCV] feature is enabled doesnt mean you have any races that use it.. The dispute traces back to the Stark County Board of Elections' December 2020 directive to the county commission to purchase its new machinery from Dominion Voting Systems. If so, than President Trump won re-election in a landslide but sometimes the truth doesnt always prevail! Dominion identified the password as belonging to the machines in Mesa County and alerted the state, which sent staff to Peters' office on August 10th to initiate an investigation. The Progressively Communist Democrats would stop at nothing to oust President Trump and I fear We the People are going to have to do more than strenuously object to Biden being elected because Communists play for keeps. But that is based on a lack of understanding of the voting system, Macias wrote. But One America News continues to lie that Dominion helped steal the election. Arizona: We found the 2019-2022 contract in Maricopa County at total taxpayer cost of $6.1 million over three-years. We multiplied each of these costs by 12,374, the number of precincts that use DREs without a voter-verified paper audit trail for all voters. Various rumors alleging voter fraud focused on the Electronic voting company Dominion Voting Systems. Our previous stories can be foundhere. (Dominion is a private company and, therefore, is not required to disclose financials. A: There is currently no strong evidence that acetaminophen use during pregnancy causes autism or ADHD in children. Michigan Senate. Dude, Trump worked his arse off campaigning. A Dec. 14 Facebook video, viewed more than 23,000 times, claimed in its caption that Trump WON The Election NEW Evidence Shows because a forensics report done on Dominion voting machines determined that the Dominion Software Was Intentionally Designed To Influence Election Results. For example, diverted ballots could be a ballot that is marked by the voter with specific conditions (i.e., voter voted for a write-in or overvoted a contest), so it is separated from the other ballots to be counted by elections officials. The screenshots in the postdescribeLogic & Accuracy Testing operations that can be performed with theDemocracy Suite voting machine model, which the spokesperson confirmed. Fox Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch acknowledged in a deposition that some Fox News commentators endorsed the false allegations by the former president and his allies that the 2020 presidential election was stolen and that he did not step in to stop them from promoting the claims. CLAIM: AT&T got a contract to do a forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines and those machines were recently moved to Nashville, Tennessee to the same AT&T building that was damaged . Dominion, which makes the election equipment used by Maricopa County, also refused to comply with the request, calling it "illegal and unenforceable." Punishment I believe was death by hanging..???? Ensure all affected devices are physically protected before, during, and after voting. Several sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity . How the push by Trump allies to undermine the 2020 results through ballot reviews started quietly in Pennsylvania (Washington Post), Group led by kraken lawyer Sidney Powell hired the firm recounting AZs election to probe a PA election (Arizona Mirror), Pennsylvania Audit Pushback Intensifies As GOP County Refuses To Turn Over Election Materials (Forbes), Counties And States Trump Won Are Rejecting Calls To Launch Their Own Arizona-Style Election Audits (Forbes), Pennsylvania Prepares Arizona-Style Election Audit As Lawmaker Demands Counties Turn Over Voting Equipment (Forbes), A worker passes a Dominion Voting ballot scanner, How the push by Trump allies to undermine the 2020 results through ballot reviews started quietly in Pennsylvania, Group led by kraken lawyer Sidney Powell hired the firm recounting AZs election to probe a PA election, Pennsylvania Audit Pushback Intensifies As GOP County Refuses To Turn Over Election Materials, Counties And States Trump Won Are Rejecting Calls To Launch Their Own Arizona-Style Election Audits, Pennsylvania Prepares Arizona-Style Election Audit As Lawmaker Demands Counties Turn Over Voting Equipment. Phone interview. "The Board has real work to do and little time to entertain this adventure in never-never land. Wallach, Dan. Dominion Voting Systems Corporation was founded in 2002 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, by John Poulos and James Hoover. When such a staggering number of votes require adjudication, the biggest problem includes integrity and chain of custody issues. Arizona's most populous county is scrapping its voting machines and procuring new ones in the wake of the conspiracy-soaked Republican audit of last year's ballots. Professor of computer science and engineering, University of South Carolina. Yes. 17 Dec 2020. Bailey v. Antrim County. The claim: A judge has ruled Dominion Voting machines were designed to create fraud A March 18 Facebook post accuses a voting machine company of fraudulent activity during the 2020. This will be the day we died. ' The conservative media outlet Newsmax ran a headline claiming, Audit Finds Mich. Countys Dominion Voting Was Rigged to Create Fraud. It was shared more than 20,000 times on Facebook, according to CrowdTangle analytics data. Our previous stories can be found. The ballots and material were given to private contractors conducting the audit in April. The ASOG audit also discovered software changes on Oct. 23, 2020, and then again on Nov. 5, 2020, just after the election. Georgia: In 2019, a $107 million ten-year contract with Dominion procured by the Secretary of State covers 30,000 touch screen voting machines and the installation of a verified paper ballot voting system. A previous independent audit ordered by Maricopa County has already found that there were no irregularities or issues with the voting machines or their tabulation of votes. The people responsible should be tried and convicted for treason. ", "Democracy Suite ImageCast Central User Guide", "Fact check: Dominion voting machines didn't delete votes from Trump, switch them to Biden", "Exclusive: Sidney Powell on Election Lawsuits, Supreme Court Decision, and the Flynn Case", "STATEMENT FROM DOMINION ON SIDNEY POWELL'S CHARGES", "Fake Claims About Dominion Voting Systems Do Real Damage", "Fact check: A 37-vote change in Georgia was the result of human error, not vote-flipping", Dominion sues Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for defamation, bscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. In the large counties of Dane and Milwaukee, ES&S machines are used. It turns out, thanks to our Operation Iraqi Freedom, that the elections in Iraq are more secure than ours. contains a tweet from Kyle Becker, an independent journalist, according to his Twitter bio. It is true that Dominion Voting machines create ballots, for testing, audits and after a voter has voted and approves the ballot creation. In the ASOG audit, all log entries for the 2020 election cycle were found missing in the Dominion equipment they analyzedmeanwhile voter adjudication logs for previous years exist. just Joe Biden marked? 18 Dec 2020. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Yes. The audit is being led by Cyber Ninjas, a firm with no prior experience in official election audits and one whose founder has promoted conspiracy theories about the election. On Nov. 7, 2020, the Associated Press, the New York Times, Fox News . Macias, Ryan. His 23-page report on Antrim claimed that Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.. While you need an ID to buy alcohol, buy cigarettes, buy lottery tickets, enter a nightclub, get on an airplane, buy a house or rent an apartment, buy a car and get car insurance, we dont require an ID to choose who will be our next President? Voting machine engineer Eric Coomer was falsely accused of rigging the election against former President Donald Trump by the conservative cable network. Anti-Vaccine Posts Use Deceptively Edited Video Clip, Flawed Calculation Behind False Claim of Fraudulent Votes, AG, SOS: Plaintiffs Report in Antrim County Election Lawsuit Demonstrates Lack of Credible Evidence in Widespread Fraud or Wrongdoing, Antrim Michigan Forensics Report | REVISED PRELIMINARY SUMMARY, v2, Antrim vote glitch: Expert shares how county mistakenly flipped from red to blue, False claims from Ronna McDaniel have no merit, Hand audit of all Presidential Election votes in Antrim County confirms previously certified results, voting machines were accurate, Hand Count Calculation Sheet | Antrim County, Giuliani cites affidavit with crucial errors in press conference, Senate Oversight with House Oversight | Hearing, Setting the Record Straight: Facts & Rumors. 6 Nov 2020. "It is unfortunate the noncompliance by the County and Dominion continues to delay the results and breeds distrust," Fann said. It also suggests they mandate a particular type of post-election audit on the outcome of . Guy, Sheryl. Multiple countries contributed to the results of our election. Refuse the Steal!!!! "This information & assessments can be taken directly from reading the voting system company's own user's manuals. Its done manually by reviewing the paper ballots. The Congress and the Supreme Court have rejected the TRUTH!!! According to. Per instructionNo. @SenSchumer . While the partisan audits will not change the election results, critics have warned they could sow further distrust in the vote countas happened in Fulton County, where Wake TSI concluded in its final report that while the countys election was well run, there were several issues of note. While these may seem minor the impact on an election can be huge, Wake TSI claimed in the report, which the Post notes was seized on by figures on the right as evidence of potential fraud. Copyright 2023 AMAC, Inc. / AMAC Senior Resources Network. Ranked choice voting necessarily implies that there is a way for voters to specify a ranking on the ballot, he said. Throw in documented Foreign Election Interference. Their licences to broadcast should be revoked. Former acting director, Voting System Testing and Certification Program, U.S. Election Assistance Commission. The lower court rejected requests filed last week from attorneys representing Governor Tom Wolf and Dominion Voting Systems to establish strict protocols over who is allowed to inspect the. (Download our raw payment data spanning 2017 through 2019.). Behind the dubious report was Russell Ramsland Jr., a Republican who ran for Congress in Texas in 2016 but lost in the primary to Rep. Pete Sessions. For example, in Central Lake Township, there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81.96 percent rejection rate. And then, the FRAUD reversed the true results!!! 2 men found drugged after leaving NYC gay bars were killed, medical examiner says, White supremacist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes kicked out of CPAC, One way to fix Social Security? More: Fact check: Hugo Chvez's family does not own Dominion Voting Systems. Dominion, which supplied election technology to several polling locations in Arizona, has been a target of false and convoluted right-wing conspiracy theories alleging that it helped "flip" votes. $25,000. XENIA Greene County Board of Elections (BOE) voted March 25 to select a touchscreen Direct-Recording Electronic (DRE) voting machine from Dominion Voting Systems. In a statement, Fann said she saw some progress in the efforts to get Maricopa County to cooperate, but criticized the lack of full compliance, according to The Arizona Republic. This opened the door for nation-state interference, especially when boxes of pristine ballots with only one name marked could show up in the wee hours of the night after one candidate was in the lead to reclaim another four years in office. Earlier this year, Maricopa County turned over 2.1 million ballots, hundreds of tabulating machines and a trove of election data after a judge ruled that a subpoena from Fann requesting the equipment was valid. Nada, Zero, Zip! 17 Dec 2020. The company maintains headquarters in Toronto and in . He asserted that the Board of Supervisors "is not aware of any 'breach'" during the time period that the subpoena asked about. Other circled items in the screenshotsof manual pagesare instructions for discarding a batch of ballots. You may opt-out by. There is no evidence for claims that Dominion machines "switched" or "flipped" votes in the 2020 election. We rate the claim that Dominion Votings machine manuals outline fraud capabilities is PARTLY FALSE, based on our research. The Arizona audit has come under widespread criticism and is now under investigation by the House Oversight Committee, but has nevertheless spurred a new nationwide effort by Republican state lawmakers to launch their own election probes. . The resulting or coincidental voting irregularities have sowed doubt in the election's integrity

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dominion voting machine audit