Sections 8-11 address building structural design and are applicable to non-engineered structures and non-engineered elements of partially engineered structures. Exterior wall projections less than 2 feet from an adjacent property line are not allowed. We have a city inspector, then we have a private IBC code inspector. Spans shall be per Tables R802.4(1) & (2) for ceiling joists and Tables R802.5.1(1) & (2) for rafters. (CalGreen 301.1) Mandatory provisions shall apply only to the specific area of the addition or alteration. If 40 percent to 50 percent of the vents are no more than 3 feet below the ridge or highest point of the roof area; then the ratio may be reduced to 1/300. Thirty-six inches is the most common residential height, but some jurisdictions vary. Provide protective bollard or other impact barrier or located out of the normal path for vehicles. BMPs). Avoid a bouncy, soft deck. Find customized checklists to document compliance with new green building projects. (R302.11), 7.15 Show minimum 22 inch by 30 inch access opening to attic, in a hallway or other location with ready access. Hire the Best Deck Builders in Sonoma, CA on HomeAdvisor. contour lines. uncut end embed in concrete to the footing at 24" deep due to the height restriction for the framing. The bottom of the clear opening shall be no more than 44 inches from the floor (R 310.1). A separate Grading Permit application is required if the project meets the criteria established by Chapter 11 of the Sonoma County Code. Indicate finished and existing grade elevations, i.e. Deck safety is a real problem. 1200112028), shall retain the authority to promulgate and enforce this plumbing code and to make any changes it deems necessary if the changes meet the Uniform . Find out exactly how many balusters or pickets you need with a single click. 13.5 Structures which are subject to Fire Safe Standards and located in the SRA , shall have a minimum 1-hour fire-resistance rating at exterior walls and the underside of exterior projections within 10 feet from an adjacent property line. Trapped moisture can cause premature decay and attract termites. Note size, number and position of crawl space vents. An approved third party CALGreen special inspector shall review the proposed checklist and project plans and provide verification that all applicable mandatory and elective elements identified in the checklist have been adequately incorporated into the proposed project plans and details. (CEC 210.52), 6.4 GFCI outlets are required for all kitchen receptacles that are designed to serve countertop surfaces, in bathrooms, in underfloor spaces at or below grade level, in exterior outlets, in laundry areas, and in all garage outlets not dedicated to a single device or appliance. This document provides building code information applicable to prescriptive residential wood deck design. The more you know, the better your deck and backyard projects will be! (R302.3), Subdivisions and Survey for Engineers and Surveyors, 2022 California Green Building Standards Code (CalGreen), Land use limitations County zoning ordinances, contact Planning Division, Geologic hazards Landslides, geotechnical (soils) report. Attachment methods vary depending on the style of stairs but this is a very common and reliable technique. 7.16 Roof construction and covering shall comply with R905 and local ordinance. Sills and sleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that is in direct contact with the ground unless separated by an impervious moisture barrier. New state-mandated building codes, that govern the design and construction of structures and the maintenance of life safety systems within structures for fire prevention, go into effect on January 1, 2020. Ledger board width must be => deck joist width but =
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